Facultad de Ciencias Económicas


TEXTO BÁSICO, en 10ma. Edición

 Adelantando la próxima traducción y lanzamiento en América Latina de nuestro texto base.

SMacroeconomics, 10/e
Rudiger Dornbusch, Late of Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyStanley Fischer, Bank of IsraelRichard Startz, University of Washington
ISBN: 0073128112Copyright year: 2008
The 10th edition of Macroeconomics is published 28 years after the first. We have been both amazed and flattered by the response our book has received over those years. Besides its use in the classrooms of many U.S. universities, it has been translated into many languages and used in many countries, from Canada to Argentina to Australia; all over Europe; in India, Indonesia, and Japan; and from China and Albania to Russia. Even before the Czech Republic gained independence from communism, an underground translation was secretly used in macroeconomics seminars at Charles University in Prague. There is no greater pleasure for teachers and textbook authors than to see their efforts succeed so concretely around the world. We believe that the success of our textbook reflects the unique features it brings to the universe of undergraduate macroeconomics. These features can be summarized as follows:
“ Compassionate Difficulty ” Through the years we have held the conviction that the best textbook is one written with an abiding respect for both student and instructor. What does this mean exactly? In practice it means that we explore more stateof- the-art research than is customary in undergraduate textbooks, allowing students a point of departure for deeper exploration of various topics and teachers the flexibility to emphasize topics in greater detail. At the same time, however, we have reduced the book’s level of difficulty by providing straightforward explanations, emphasizing concepts over technique, and fitting difficult material into a larger framework so students can see its relevance. We also emphasize how empirical data can explain and test macroeconomic theory by providing numerous illustrations using real-world data.
“ Focus on ModelsThe best economists have a rich toolbox of simple models they can use to analyze various facets of the economy and know when to apply the right model to answer specific questions. We have consistently focused our textbook on the presentation of a series of simple models relevant to particular issues. We strive to help students understand the importance of a model-based approach to macroeconomic analysis as well as how the various models are connected. Our goal is to produce students who have the capacity to analyze current economic issues in the context of an economic frame of reference, namely, a set of macroeconomic models.
International Perspective It has always been important for students living in countries with highly open economies to understand the important links connecting foreign economies to their own. This is also becoming ever more true in the United States as international goods and financial markets become more intertwined. Recognizing this, we provide two detailed chapters discussing international linkages. The first, Chapter 12, provides a discussion of mainstream intermediate macroeconomic topics. The second, Chapter 20, gives advanced students the opportunity to explore modern theories of balance-of-payments crises, determinants of exchange rates, and the choice of exchange rate regimes. These chapters give instructors the flexibility to range from touching on a few international topics to a thorough discussion lasting several weeks.
Focus on Changing Times We have strived to present updated data throughout the book, demonstrating key trends and thorough discussions of how such trends might be explained by traditional macroeconomic models

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* Acosta, Diana "Formulación Política de Empleo en PY Siglo XXI"
* Cataldi, Leticia "Mercado Laboral (1999-2003)"
* Dávalos, Bernard Fabián "Integración Mundial Mercosur, sus procesos de desarrollo, análisis FODA del Sector
* Díaz, Vicente "Crecimiento Económico China 1979-2001"
* Estigarribia, Sonia "Mercosur Integración Mundial 1996-2006"
* Ibarra Martìnez, Patricia "PIB a confirmar...."
* Gómes, Deborah "Rentabilidad del biodisel en PY 2003-2010"
* González, Noelia "Desempleo en PY 1994-2008"
* Ibarra, Patricia "P.I.B. a confirmar..."
* Marecos, Fabio "Reexportación informática 2007-2008"
* Martínez, César "Biocombustibles en PY 2008"
* Martínez, Fabio "Crisis financiera, repercusión en la Importación y Exportación de la Soja, canola, maíz en la actualidad"
* Martínez, Fernando "Efecto Tango en PY 2000/3"
* Paredes, Pedro Javier "Quiebra del Lehmanns Bro's"
* Ramírez, Diego "PIB Japón crecimiento 2003-2008"
* Sosa, Cristino "Reseña Histórica Proceso Industrialización Argentina Siglo XX"
* Villalba, Juan Andrés "Política empleo en Economía Actual del PY"


* Aguiar, Luís "Comercio Exterior PY 2008"
* Avalos, Liz Rossana "Cómo afecta la Crisis financiera de USA en PY durante año 2008"
* Barrientos, Sany "Competitividad Stevia y renta 2000-8 PY"
* Benítez, Susana "Crecimiento X's y reducción Pobreza en PY 97-98"
* Boral A., Cynthia Andrea "Situación y Evolución Algodón en PY 2006-7"
* Brítez, Mercedes "Proyecto del BM sobre desarrollo infantil temprano"
* Brizuela, Dálida "Indicadores Fiscales como %PIB 95-2008 PY"
* Brizuela, Gloria "Impacto remesas en PY 2006-2008"
* Caballero, Armindo "Microcrédito como alternativa del crecimiento Latinoamericano 2008"
* Cabrera, Ruth "Inflación impositiva del mercado industrial paraguayo 2005"
* Cardoso Viana, Leticia M.
* Cardozo, Chaveli "Crísis del Petróleo y sus consecuencias en Economía Latinoamericana"
* Cardozo, Nancy "FMI"
* Centurión, Silvia "Principales factores crecimiento PIB PY 2007"
* Coronel, Deborah "Informalidad y emprend. Analisis Propuestas"
* De los Santos, Andrea Celeste "Fluctuacion Int'l del Petroleo, Causas y repercuciones económicas 2007"
* Denis, Blanca "Inflación en PY 2007-8"
* Díaz A., Deisy M. "Balance Comercial PY - Japón 2007"
* Duarte, Noelia "Influencia turismo en Brasil en la renta 2007"
* Espínola, Evelyn "Consecuencia fenómeno El Niño en algunos sectores de la Economía Peruana"
* Franco, Alba Rosa "Demanda del Dinero en Venezuela 1984-2006"
* Fretes, Sonia "Estimación del Efectos pass through para la economía paraguaya 1994-2005"
* Gaona, Steffanie
* Gauto, Matias "Producción Biodiesel como fuente de desarrollo para Colombia 2006"
* Giménez, Adolfo "Orígen de la Crisis Global 2008-2010"
* Giménez Ramos, Atanacio "Inflación en Argentina, causas y consecuencias"
* Godoy, Clara "Crísis Económica Méjico 1994"
* Godoy, Lissa
* González, Armando "Deuda Pública y su relación con la Política Crediticia 2006"
* González, Rodolfo "3era. Crisis Mundial del petróleo y colapso económico mundial 2008"
* López Villalba, Arnaldo D. "Inicio de la crísis Asiática 1997-2000"
* Machado, Cindy "Creación y estudio del Módelo Macroeconómico"
* Martínez, Fabio
* Noguera, Luís "Trazabilidad del gasto público en la educación 2007"
* Ortíz, Sonia "Impacto Cooperativismo en Economía PY"
* Paiva, Ninfa "Rasgos Macroeconómicos del Paraguay"
* Paredes, Pedro "Quiebra del Lehmann Bro's.... a ampliar"
* Pino F., Carmela "Política Económica y energía frente al Siglo XXI"
* Rivarola, Lourdes
* Rojas, Lisa "Elasticidad de la Renta con respecto al desempleo en PY 2007"
* Romero, Mathías "Principales inversiones paraguayas en el extranjero 2006"
* Ruíz, Ricardo "Economía de ganancias en mercados en vías de desarrollo, caso Paraguayo 1998-2003"
* Ruíz, Teresa "Exportación carne, pago de impuestos en PY 2008"
* Silvera, Mirta E. "Análisis de la producción Sésamo en PY 2000-7"
* Suárez, Dolly "Efecto Tequila sobre sistema financiero argentino"
* Torres, Zulema "Flujo del dólar e influencia económica paraguaya"
* Valenzuela Medina, Helio "Industria PYMES y creación de empleos PY 2004"
* Viveros, Liz Noelia "Medidas de estimación PY"

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ECONOMÍA - Clase 2010

* Almirón, Marylza
* Bogarin Martinez, Esteban J.
* Coronel, Mayra
* Díaz, Emilse "Deuda Pública... a determinar prox.!
* Díaz, Sara Steffania "Efectos suba precio gasoil en PY"
* Godoy, Nelson "Impacto del Transporte y Logística en el Comercio Internacional del Paraguay"
* Gonzalez Cardozo, Diego A.
* Meneses, Claudia
* Núñez, Antonia "Resultados Económicos del PY en los úlitmos...."
* Páez, Mirna Dalila "Concentración de Depósitos. Tamaño de los Bancos y sus efectos sobre la Oferta y Crédito para las empresas"
* Olmedo, Emilce
* Ortíz, Blanca
* Quiñonez, Gustavo
* Ruíz Fretes, Carlos
* Santacruz A., Marta C.
* Vega, Daisy


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